Installer updating ClipClip

Ive used ClipClip for quite some time now several years, I noticed there was an update so I went to go through the Update process, for 2.3.4944 Beta

As I was going through the installer I noticed this...

This installer contains third-party software, but you can opt-out of any non-essential software. If at any time your wish to uninstall ClipClip or third-party software, please follow the instructions at: http://clipclip.com/how-to-uninstall

My Questions are.

What is the third party software?

Where can I opt out of this non essential software?

The website you link to which is supposed to show instructions returns a 404

Secondly the next section of the licence reads as follows...

We respect your privacy. If you wish to know more about our privacy policy, please visit: http://clipclip.com/privacy-policy

This link also returns a 404.

I really like your app, but I think its fair to get some answers and clarification to this wording in the licence. 

The main issue is having unknown third-party software installed in our computers with no privacy policy, ima little concerned atm about my data.
