*** Ensuring clips don't get lost ***


I recently installed Clip Clip onto a new computer.

On my last computer, a lot of clips were lost (as I

recall this was caused by a version upgrade). Now

it's important to not lose clips ever again.

That being said ...

Do you recommend EXPORT ON A DAILY BASIS ???

or ...

Is it possible that MOVING THEM out of the LATEST

CLIPS FOLDER into a new folder removes the risk 

of losing the data ???

Bottom line ...

Right now I'm just trying to figure out the best strategy to ensure 

i don't lose data, and appreciate any advice you can offer.

Sincerely, George

1 reply



We consider the latest clips as temporary data of the current work. Not all copied data is exactly what you need. So you can edit/modify/delete/rename/etc. the latest clips before you save them as saved clips and use them in the future.
Please visit this link to review how to do this:

You can move the latest clips to any saved folder every hour/day/week...
In this case, these clips will be saved. If you use just the latest clips, you have to remember that the latest clips are temporary clips.
NOTE: If the maximum number of latest clips has been reached (see this number in the "Maximum latest clips stored" option in the Configuration window), this works in this way:
- For example, the "Maximum latest clips stored" option has the number 100;
- The Latest Clips folder already contains 100 clips;
- If you copy something, the new latest clip will be created from this data but the last clip in the Latest Clips folder will be deleted because the limit is already reached.
As a result, there will be always 100 latest clips.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.