Clipclip a bit slow

CLipclip has always been a bit slow. I have an i5 with 16GB of RAM, and it takes around a second to paste an item into an Excel spreadsheet. This is bearable, but as I get faster at using Clipclip, the lag becomes very noticeable.

Is there anything I or you can do to speed it up?

Kindest regards


1 reply


Hi Simon

Most likely, you use "Paste" menu (global popup menu with clips) to insert a clip into the spreadsheet. If so, you are right, there is some fixed delay (0.4-0.6 sec) before the clip is inserted. The value of this delay does not depend on the configuration of the computer since this delay is fixed.
For the previous Windows OS (XP, 7, etc), this delay was used to get some pause between closing the "Paste" menu and getting a focus of the application again where the cursor is placed before ClipClip inserts this clip. The value of this delay was defined after many tests on different computers in different modes (for example, when more than 70% of RAM is used at this moment).
Now, computers are becoming faster and faster, the last .NET Framework is more optimized - so we'll try to reduce this delay.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.