KeepassXC not working in ignored applications

I use KeepassXC for my password manager, and I'd like to ignore all elements copied from there in ClipClip.  However, no method of adding it to the ignored list works.  Right clicking a recently copied password doesn't bring up the "Ignore KeepassXC" option, it doesn't show in the Create Rule -> Currently Run Applications menu, and it fails to ignore the app when adding the path to the .exe manually.

Any idea what's going on here?

1 reply



The reason for this bug is that some applications do not allow using detailed information about their process since these apps contain very private information.
We updated the necessary code and as a result, the next ClipClip release version (after 2.3.4567) will be able to detect this app as a clip source.
So you will be able to add this app to the "Ignored applications" list directly from the main window.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.