Common Problems

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    After update the same thing is pasted twice when used from the paste menu

    Joseph · 6 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    After the latest update the instant paste does not work properly. Sometime it does not paste any items or it past the same item twice

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    clipclip latest version not working

    Jaap · 1 · Last reply by Diogo Alves


    Latest version of clipclip does not work due to signature problems:

    Probleemhandtekening: Gebeurtenisnaam van probleem: CLR20r3 Probleemhandtekening 01: ClipClip.exe Probleemhandtekening 02: 1.0.992.0 Probleemhandtekening 03: 5902065a Probleemhandtekening 04: mscorlib Probleemhandtekening 05: 4.6.1098.0 Probleemhandtekening 06: 58cf7259 Probleemhandtekening 07: 180a Probleemhandtekening 08: 26 Probleemhandtekening 09: System.ArgumentException Versie van besturingssysteem: 6.1.7601. Landinstelling-id: 1043 Aanvullende informatie 1: ff21 Aanvullende informatie 2: ff213b533cd4852e08a73f24c8d70fd8 Aanvullende informatie 3: fa45 Aanvullende informatie 4: fa451b31f3e654686d42e01905dd5f53

    Lees de onlineprivacyverklaring:

    Als de onlineprivacyverklaring niet beschikbaar is, lees dan onze offlineprivacyverklaring: C:\Windows\system32\nl-NL\erofflps.txt

    Any solutions?



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    Paste menu does not work properly when using multiple screens

    Luca Zenari · 4 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    My PC runs Windows 10, and is set up to use 3 screens; main screen is 4k, secondary screens are 1080p (I don't know if it's relevant, I'm just giving as much information as I can)

    Whenever I try to paste from the paste menu into a window in my main screen, everything is fine.

    When I try to do the same on my 2nd or 3rd screen, the paste menu pops up and I can correctly select a clip from the list to paste; but if I try to use any of the other functions (e.g. click on the

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    copying rich text w/formatting from OneNote results in plaintext clip in ClipClip

    ClipClip · 3 · Last reply by Sidharth Rai

    Here is the use case:

    1. In Microsoft OneNote, have rich text with formatting (bold/italic, bullet list, etc.).

    2. Copy the text.

    3. As a test, paste the text into Microsoft Word. See that it is copied with all formatting intact.

    4. In ClipClip, see that the clip is plain text. When copying the clip out of ClipClip, the text does not include formatting.

    How to produce a ClipClip clip with rich formatting from OneNote?

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    My clipclaps ID 1517638746.I withdrew 10 $ on 17 September but I can't get. They told me to speed boost for withdraw so I clicked on speed boost. But I can't get paypal $ until today.

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    After many attempts I still cannot download ClipClip (again, it was lost due to system Reset))

    clayto · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    I have used ClipClip for some time but have lost it after a Windows Reset. I cannot now download a replacement. I get a notice thanking me for downloading it, but no download takes place

    Windows Home 64 bit

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    Doesn't start to tray anymore

    SFLORG · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    Why won't it run minimized to the tray on startup anymore. Use to be able to set that way.

    Very annoying to say the least.

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    'Hotkey for screenshot' popup; no way to disable

    anonymized · 4 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    Hello. I keep getting a 'Hotkey for screenshot' balloon popup from the tray icon. I have looked at all the app settings and found no way to disable this obtrusive message. I have disabled screenshots as well. How can this message be permanently turned off?

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    Administrative rights

    Michael Westergaard · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    It seems like clipclip only runs with administrator rights?

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    Problems Pasting

    David · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    I am evaluating this software and these are the problems I am having:

    (1)  There is no way to paste multiple items from the paste menu (major problem)

    (2) Each time I paste an item from the paste menu that item is added to the paste menu list again AND to the latest clips list.  If this is intended behavior this is quite strange.

    Appreciate your help here.  Thanks, David

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    Keyboard Monitoring Interferes with Visual Studio

    Hedley Muscroft · 4 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    I just updated to the latest version of ClipClip... now I find that none of the keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio which involve pressing CTRL+SHIFT+<other key> work.

    It took me ages to find out it was ClipClip blocking them. As soon as I close ClipClip, VS starts working again.

    The previous version didn't have this problem - where can I download the older version from please?

    Kind Regards,


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    Activating OneDrive caused ClipClip to not be able to find a folder because it was moved from "users\UserName\Documents" to "users\UserName\OneDrive\Documents."

    Cosmic Chuck D · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    There's no way to edit the path, to change it to the new path, so the purpose of doing the uninstallation is to see if reinstallation will fix the problem.

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    STATUS: WARNING Title: The folder does not exist.

    Nickm324 · 3 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    After rebooting getting error that the saved clips folder does not exist when in fact it does exist and my saved clips are in there.

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    Problem installing

    Ariel · 2 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    Hello !, I want to install on windows 7, but I get the error that I send you with a screenshot (it is in Spanish). Basically what is happening is that it gives me some kind of problem when connecting. It should be noted that I am connected to the internet normally. Outside of this, I have another PC where I use ClipClip without problems, my other PC has windows 10. Link to the screenshot:

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    Change Clip Name Issue

    SFLORG · 2 · Last reply by SFLORG

    New "Beta" version 2.3.4944

    also has issues with "renaming clips". Wont show change unless restarted or moved to a different folder.

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    Won't download

    Christine Jenovese EA · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    I have been trying to download and it takes me thank you page but nothing gets downloaded, even if I click on "click here to initiate download". Please advise, thank you

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    Screenshots/images are not being pasted correctly

    Anshul Jain · 2 · Last reply by Anshul Jain

    Hi, after the latest update, images/screenshots are not being pasted correctly. They get uploaded in some 'binary' format on Slack, and any other app is unable to process the image file as well. 

    Saving them to a file works. But the one on the clipboard gets pasted weirdly and hence is not processed. 

    I can't paste them to Google Docs, ChatGPT, Claude, Slack, anywhere. 

    I've been using ClipClip for years now and it's worked great till the last update. Please check and fix this; it's a critical functionality for me. I have to look for alternatives until then. 


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    repeating error "display settings have changed" see pic included

    eddacker · 2 · Last reply by Skeletor Jopko

    It happens on start up and returning from sleep, whether I click 'OK' or 'cancel'. Please advise.

    Windows 11 pro on almost new dell.

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    Can't install Clipclip

    Richard Stewart · 0 · Posted

    Hi. I've just downloaded ClipClip to try out.  When I run the .exe. file I get an error message "We apologize! / Cannot obtain configuration.  Error code 3." I'm on Win 8.1

    Hope you can help.


    Richard Stewart

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    Configuration has no way to save / apply / close

    Nick Speare · 3 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    There doesn't seem to be any way to close the Configuration window except ALT+F4 which doesn't apply changes, so essentially no configuration changes can be made.