Can't disable HUGE square system tray popup on every copy to clipboard.

While writing a review of the latest rev of ClipClip (2.3.4704), I am being hampered by this huge square popup that emanates upward from the system tray every time I copy some text to the clipboard - which is every minute or two.  This gets in the way of my desktop activity which takes place in the lower right of the screen - right above the system tray.

This is crippling my workflow. If I can't turn it off, I'll have to uninstall the program.

I've searched all the confguration settings and can't find anything about this popup. 

Your speedy help would be appreciated.


3 replies


Eureka! I found my own answer to this major issue for me.

Turns out that the system tray popup is referred to as "clip preview" in the configuration panel and was not very intuitive to me.  But, to be fair, I can see how someone else might have thought so. My 1st impression of "clip preview" would have been the display of text/images/video thumbnails in various folders or listing of clips.

   Unknown things make so much more sense after you know them, ha!

It's now so much nicer not waiting for that huge box to clear as it covers my screen right over where some of my app's controls are located.




You are right. There were clip previews that displayed the content of copied clips.
In the last ClipClip version, which will be available soon on the website, this option got an additional text (label) that describes this feature in more detail.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.


I was confused where the "clip preview" setting was, on my Configuration popup, it's under "clips that will be displayed in preview", which is a drop down list. I deselected the three choices, text, image, screen shot, and that fixed that annoying popup from the task bar.
