ClipClap compatibility Windows XP

What is the latest version of ClipClap compatible with 32 bit Windows XP Professional SP3?

1 reply



Here is a link where you can download the "ClipClip 1.0.642" version that requires .NET Framework 4.
You can run this ClipClip version directly from the hard drive (or any flash drive)
without its installation and use it as any other portable application.
So, please follow these steps:
1) Download the "ClipClip 1.0.642.zip" archive from this link:
2) Unzip the downloaded "ClipClip 1.0.642.zip" archive. Password: 12345678
3) Open the "ClipClip 1.0.642" folder and find the "ClipClip.exe" file;
4) Double-click on the "ClipClip.exe" file to run the ClipClip app;
That's all.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.