Latest Clips Not Accessible

After updating to latest version I'm no longer able to access/view my most recent clips. 

1 reply



Unfortunately, your message does not contain the necessary information that can help us to find out your problem.
Please provide additional information:
- Windows OS;
- ClipClip version;
- Where you are no longer able to access/view your most recent (latest) clips - in the grid or in the Paste Menu;

The best way is to create a screenshot that demonstrates your problem and attach it to this conversation.

We can predict a particular scenario on your computer:
Maybe you use a specific scale or resolution for your display and as a result, controls on the main window are displayed incorrectly.
Try to change the DPI settings for the ClipClip app. Here is a video that demonstrates how to do this directly from the ClipClip app:

Here is another video that describes how to do this manually:

Please let us know whether this information was helpful for you.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.