Password protection

Would you consider adding some form of password protection to access what is stored within Clip Clip? While I wouldn't store anything too sensitive in a clipboard manager, I would still like to be able to keep the contents safe from any casual snooping.

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The ClipClip app creates the latest clips from any copied data.
When you close the ClipClip app, all latest clips are removed.
If the "Auto save latest clips on exit" option is enabled (checked) in the Configuration window, the latest clips will be saved (on the hard disk), to be used next time.
NOTE: In this case, the latest clips are saved as encrypted files.
This means that thair filenames and content are not readable.
Another user, who uses the same computer, cannot view the content of these files event he is an administrator of this computer and will use the ClipClip app for that.
You also cannot view these files in the folder except you will use the ClipClip app. For example, open this folder that contains the latest clips (as encrypted files) on your computer:
"C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Vitzo\ClipClip\Latest Clips"
and try to open some file to view its content.
Saved clips are not encrypted files. If you want to protect them, you can protect their parent folder (with them) directly from the ClipClip app. In this case, the folder will be protected on the hard disk - you can check this folder in Windows Explorer.
Take a look at the screenshot:

Several examples:

We hope this information will be useful to you.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.