Apply Action at Clip: Reverse Case/Proper Case/Upper Case Options

I frequently use cap lock and forget to undo when appropriate (I know this isn't a common issue), it would be cool to have the option to set case like reverse upper to lower and lower to upper, have proper case, etc. in the Apply Action drop down menu on a clip or latest clip. There is already some cool stuff in there, might as well keep it going, I believe this should be an easy implementation in your code, but what do I know.

2 replies

I have looked all through the application and do not see an option to "Create/Edit action".

Could you please point me to it?

Does it require a contribution to become enabled?  I tried the "Make a Donation" option, but the URL was obsolete (https://clipclip.com/donate) and I don't see that option on your website.





We cannot create so many different actions because there is no reason to do this. Our idea is as follows:
- The ClipClip app contains just some actions by default.
- The ClipClip app contains the "Create/Edit action" dialog to create a new action or edit an existing one.
- The user can create his own actions to use them in the ClipClip app.
- The user can share his own actions with other users.
- The user can modify existing actions according to his needs in the "Edit action" dialog.
The creation of new actions is a new feature that will be available in the next releases. As a result, the users will be able to create actions that will perform the necessary transformations with clips.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.