Clipglossary file - what is it?

This a new folder in the latest version. The Manual doesn't refer to it. What is its function?

3 replies


Hello ,

By default, the ClipClip app creates several folders where you can save clips.
NOTE: These folders are created as samples, you can rename/delete them without problems.
You can disconnect (this means just disconnect from the ClipClip app) all folders and work with the latest clips.
Saved folders are suggested to allow you to keep your clips in specific places.
You wrote:
"What clips get put in or do you put in the ClipGlossary folder?"
The ClipClip app does not create a ClipGlossary folder.

In any case, you can keep any clips in any folder)

Here is information that you have to know before use of the ClipClip app.

1) The main sense to use the ClipClip app is to store all copied data.
It does not matter when the user has copied something - today, yesterday, or many days ago.
2) Another, but not less important, sense to use the ClipClip app is the ability to paste clips using the Paste Menu, which will be shown over active documents/programs without having to switch to the main window of the ClipClip app and this saves a lot of your time during a day.
3) BUT THERE is one more sense to use the ClipClip application - it is not sufficiently highlighted in the ClipClip documents and as a result, many users know nothing about it.
Users, who know about it, greatly appreciate this property.

*** This sense is that all clips are real files with easy access to them!!! ***

This allows the creation or use of clips in different scenarios.

For example, the saved clips:
a) ...can be reviewed/moved/deleted directly in the File Explorer:
NOTE: All these changes will be applied to the loaded clips automatically.
Please watch the video that demonstrates how this works:

b) ...can be edited in any third-party software - Notepad (TEXT clips), Photoshop (IMAGE clips), Word, WordPad (RTF clips), Excel (CSV clips), Adobe Dreamweaver (HTML clips), etc.
NOTE: All these changes will be applied to the loaded clips automatically.
Please watch the video that demonstrates how this works:

c) ...can be created in any third-party software on this PC or any others.
NOTE: All changes will be applied to the loaded clips automatically.
For example, please watch the video that demonstrates a simple way of creating several clips manually and their adding to the ClipClip app:

d) ...can be sent (by email or using any Messenger, using a flash drive, using a shared network, cloud service like OneDrive Dropbox, etc.) to another computer where users can use them as real files without their additional decrypting or use them as clips for installed ClipClip app.
Please watch the video that demonstrates how this works:

We hope they will be useful to you.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.

Thanks for your helpful reply and links, .

This ClipGlossary folder was one created by default when I updated my version.  Under 'Saved Clips' folder there are another 9 sub-folders that were also created at the same time.  These each have short names that seem to relate to subjects elsewhere on my computer!  A digital mystery that I'll leave unsolved.  But thanks to your help above I can make better use of ClipClip.

Best wishes,


Thanks and appreciated.  Apologies for not giving a clearer explanation.  I've installed the latest version 2.4.4981.  When I open it there is a column down the left hand side with the following folders listed:

+[down arrow icon]Latest Clips [100]
[pin icon] Pinned Clips
[folder icon] ClipGlossary
+[folder icon] Saved Clips

What clips get put in or do you put in the ClipGlossary folder?