

is it possible to use two key shortcut? I used CTRL + ¸ (button below Esc) with Ditto to open latest saved clips, but I need to use three keys now with clipclip. I know it isn't much of a change, but would like to keep the same shortcut.

Also, what about sync between computers? Is that possible?

2 replies


Hi Filip

The current ClipClip version supports 2 hotkeys only for creating screenshots (Configuration window - Hotkeys tab - Screenshots).
The next version will support 2 hotkeys for other actions.

Regarding synchronization between computers:
You can connect the same folder (that is synchronized with any cloud service - OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) to the ClipClip app on different computers. So, your saved clips will always be synchronized.

Hope this information will help you.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.


AND HOW i Know that its Synchronized in Cloud?? there was Never a Login at installing,NOTHING,if i install tomorrow Windows new,everything is away

I just installed it but there is NO INFO to get about Sync



Please review the 'How to share saved clips' paragraph in this document:

Hope this information will help you.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.