Can't install ClipClip 2.1.2386 on Windows 7


I’m trying to install ClipClip on my Windows 7 machine. The installation completes but I get an error message with the heading "Oooops!" "Use this form to send a detailed report which helps us troubleshoot the issue" immediately after launching. I've sent the report, but there's no info in the error screen to let me know what may be causing this.

I’ve tried uninstalling and re-installing several times but have the same error window.

I’ve also tried manually deleting the ClipClip folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\ClipClip and re-installing.

I have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 installed.

When I tested this on my Windows 10 machine I had no errors at all, but this error doesn’t give me any idea as to what may be causing problems or what the fix may be.

Can you give me some ideas to trouble shoot please?

6 replies



The last published ClipClip version is 2.1.3383, not 2.1.2386.
The ClipClip app requires .NET Framework 4.6.2 since it helps to support the long file paths. If the .NET Framework 4.6.2 is installed, this is enough to run the ClipClip app.
You have to install the ClipClip app on Windows 7 without any problems. In fact, if you see the "Ooooops !" window, this means that you already installed the ClipClip app since this is a window of this software.
If you click the "Save" button in the "Ooooops !" window, you send the email to us with your message. We did not receive it.
In addition, your email contains an attached log file with errors or warnings. These logs can help us to solve your issue.

1) You can send us this file manually or copy its data and paste them here. This file is placed in this folder on your computer:
C:\Users\YOU_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Vitzo\ClipClip\log (ClipClip Pro 2.1.3383).txt

2) The second way to find the cause of the problem is as follows:
- When the ClipClip has been crashed, open the Event Viewer and find the entry about this event. Here is a sample:

You can copy the data from the Event Viewer and send them to us.

3) The way to check whether the working ClipClip app can run on another computer without its installation:
- Go to the "C:\Program Files (x86)\" folder (where the ClipClip is installed by default) on the computer where the ClipClip is running properly - in your case, Windows 10 machine;
- Copy the ClipClip folder with all files to any flash drive;
- Connect this flash drive to the computer with Windows 7 OS;
- Open the ClipClip folder on this USB drive and double-click on the ClipClip.exe file to run the CllipClip app.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.


Does CC work with .NET Framework 4.8?



Try a new ClipClip 2.1.3064 that is available on the website (http://www.clipclip.com). It contains many necessary corrections.
NOTE: Before installing ClipClip, please visit this web page (https://clipclip.helprace.com/i109-app-not-starting), where are described some helpful installation steps.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.


Hi Dellaclearing

No, that's fine. We had made tests on computers running Windows 7 (x64) + .NET Framework 4.7.1, and everything works properly.
Regarding the "Oooops !" error message, this dialog is opened from the ClipClip app. In addition, the ClipClip writes all errors in the log file. In your case, the log file should contain
an error message similar to this:
"[FATAL] ... An unhandled exception has reached..."

Please send us your log file. The log file is contained in this folder:

Its name is similar to this:
log (ClipClip Pro 2.1.2000).txt

Check the current ClipClip's version if there are several log files - Main menu: Help => About ClipClip.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.


Hi Yaroslav,

Does it need 4.6.2 or higher? Because I have 4.7.1 installed on my machine.




Hi Dellaclearing

The ClipClip app requires .NET Framework 4.6.2 to work properly. Check whether this .NET Framework is installed on your computer.

Best Regards,
Vitzo Team.