Top Topics

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    Can't disable HUGE square system tray popup on every copy to clipboard.

    Xor42 · 3 · Last reply by Fred Hababorbitz

    While writing a review of the latest rev of ClipClip (2.3.4704), I am being hampered by this huge square popup that emanates upward from the system tray every time I copy some text to the clipboard - which is every minute or two.  This gets in the way of my desktop activity which takes place in the lower right of the screen - right above the system tray.

    This is crippling my workflow. If I can't turn it off, I'll have to uninstall the program.

    I've searched all the confguration settings and can't find anything about this popup. 

    Your speedy

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    When im copying text & image together , its not being showed in clipclip & "Please note that 5 clip(s) were excluded due to your content settings." shows.......i dont know wich setting?

    Khader Md · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    When im copying text & image together , its not being showed in clipclip & "Please note that 5 clip(s) were excluded due to your content settings." shows.......i dont know wich setting?

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    Chocolatey Support

    Brandon Smithson · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    I absolutely love ClipClip, but it is one of the very few programs that i use that is not available to install automatically through Chocolatey (Linux like package manager for Windows). It would be amazing if it was listed/available to install through Chocolatey so people could install it easily and quickly when they're setting up a new computer, especially in a business environment.

    Thanks so much for the fantastic app!

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    STATUS: WARNING Title: The folder does not exist.

    Nickm324 · 3 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    After rebooting getting error that the saved clips folder does not exist when in fact it does exist and my saved clips are in there.

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    Add Dark Mode UI

    Νικόλας Π. · 5 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    Title speaks for itself, it would be really nice to have a dark mode UI.

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    Activating OneDrive caused ClipClip to not be able to find a folder because it was moved from "users\UserName\Documents" to "users\UserName\OneDrive\Documents."

    Cosmic Chuck D · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    There's no way to edit the path, to change it to the new path, so the purpose of doing the uninstallation is to see if reinstallation will fix the problem.

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    Is there a way to stop minimize after clip select?

    Grant Eaker · 3 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    I have always stay on top and instant paste enabled. I have clipclip window open (not using ctrl+shift+v). When I double click to paste a clip, the window minimizes every time. Is there a way to stop this? Prior to update I was using the shortcut menu to paste, but now it doesn't work how I need it to, this is the next best alternative for me. The last alternative is to disable instant paste, double click on clip and manually paste it into the program I'm using which works, but it's an extra step. Any help?

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    Disable notifications

    Andrei Sinelnikov · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    How can I disable notifications popping in the task bar?


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    Keyboard Monitoring Interferes with Visual Studio

    Hedley Muscroft · 4 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    I just updated to the latest version of ClipClip... now I find that none of the keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio which involve pressing CTRL+SHIFT+<other key> work.

    It took me ages to find out it was ClipClip blocking them. As soon as I close ClipClip, VS starts working again.

    The previous version didn't have this problem - where can I download the older version from please?

    Kind Regards,


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    Problems Pasting

    David · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    I am evaluating this software and these are the problems I am having:

    (1)  There is no way to paste multiple items from the paste menu (major problem)

    (2) Each time I paste an item from the paste menu that item is added to the paste menu list again AND to the latest clips list.  If this is intended behavior this is quite strange.

    Appreciate your help here.  Thanks, David

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    Keyboard Shortcuts

    Peter S · 3 · Last reply by leigh christie

    Windows make it easy to assign shortcut keys, aka hotkeys.  If you built a command option to ClipClip, we would also get keyboard shortcuts automatically.  If "ClipClip.exe 1", for example, would paste whatever was the first paste option, I could assign that command to Ctrl-Alt-1 and have a hotkey to paste often-used stuff like signatures.

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    Administrative rights

    Michael Westergaard · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    It seems like clipclip only runs with administrator rights?

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    Maximum Number of Entries that ClipClip can store

    N Clyde G · 4 · Last reply by Yaroslav


    Just wanted to know whether there is a limit to the number of entries that ClipClip can store i.e. 1,000 or 10,000 items or whether it can store an unlimited number of clips.


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    Do not put passwords into clipclip

    Chinatablet · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    I use both LastPass (free) and Roboform (paid). Would be cool if I could configure to have ClipClip NOT put the password into the list when I need to copy one from either LastPass (usually running from a web browser) or from RoboForm.

    Or, perhaps a way to "train" it to recognize them by right clicking the entry after copying and telling ClipClip to "ask/verify" or "do not copy", etc.



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    Having an option to organize the order that Clips, Folders and Pinned items appear in.

    Rjmcgarry · 0 · Posted

    Having an option to organize the order that Clips, Folders and Pinned items appear in.

    In the ClipClip manager if you could drag up and down each category/ Folder,

    So when you call the paste menu you can have whatever folder you need most at the top of the list instead of all the latest copy's.

    Or have a separate hotkey to call just the folders and pinned items.

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    Clipclip a bit slow

    Sgz Clipclip · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    CLipclip has always been a bit slow. I have an i5 with 16GB of RAM, and it takes around a second to paste an item into an Excel spreadsheet. This is bearable, but as I get faster at using Clipclip, the lag becomes very noticeable.

    Is there anything I or you can do to speed it up?

    Kindest regards


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    'Hotkey for screenshot' popup; no way to disable

    anonymized · 4 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    Hello. I keep getting a 'Hotkey for screenshot' balloon popup from the tray icon. I have looked at all the app settings and found no way to disable this obtrusive message. I have disabled screenshots as well. How can this message be permanently turned off?

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    OneDrive Shortcut Folder This folder type is not supported

    Morad 30 · 3 · Last reply by Morad 30

    I am trying to add a OneDrive Shortcut which been shared to me by a friend, however everytime I try to import the shortcut I get the error message "This folder type is not supported"

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    I deleted a few items from the clipboard

    Atakan · 1 · Last reply by Yaroslav

    I deleted a few items from the clipboard, can I bring them back? :/

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    Type fixed or Batch type change

    2314 · 3 · Last reply by 2314

    Hello, I am a user who really loves clipclip. Is there a way to batch change RTF format to text? Or is there a way to fix it so that it only copies in text format? That feature is absolutely necessary. Any help would be appreciated